Rico's Personal Fitness Program

Componets of Fitness

Guiding Question

What is the difference between health-related and skill-related physical fitness?

Health-related fitness more so deals with your state of being, how healty you are; while skilled-related more deals with how measures well  your can perform an task, to what degree.

What are the health-realted componets of physical fitness?

-Cardiovascular Endurance
-Muscular Strength
-Muscular Endurance
-Body Composition

Wha are the skilled-related components of physical fitness?

-Reaction Time

Why does a person not have to be a good ayhlete to be physically fit?

Because physical fitness is based on what YOU , the individual, can do and how can YOU improve.

Why is important to know your current lelvle of health-realated fitness?

Because its a key element in living a healthy lifestyle.